We have been updating our new house trying to make it more of a home lately. One big necessity is filling up those bare walls. A few months back we took a day trip to Madrid, NM, an old mining town turned artist community with a good friend of ours. He considered buying this painting and shipping it back to NJ. He never did. He probably should kick himself for it. We didn't forget this southwestern/ Basquiatesque painting by Kenneth Wolverton. Wolverton is currently a local artist living in Cerrillos, NM. However, he is an international muralist with work in places such as Europe, Guatemala, Australia, and the Middle East. So we went back to Madrid to revisit it. It was higher in price than we remembered: $450. So we thought about it, walked down the strip wehnt to some other galleries, got some iced coffee, and decided maybe we should try to bargain a bit. Without even asking the price was lowered to $400 if we bought it that day. So we did. Unfortunately, the huge piece was a tiny bit too big for my little honda accord. We had to drive another hour the next day with Craig's truck to pick it up. That's when we found out... the shop owner said we got a good deal. I said, yes I know we did. She said not you don't. It was supposed to be sold for $800. We thought it was a steal - boy did we have no idea. I kinda felt like that Ikea commercial where she comes out of the store and says "go, go!" I practically did that. Thanks to the salesperson who royally screwed up we have a really nice piece of original artwork in our home. I just hope she didn't get fired for it.
check out: KeWolve.com
check out: KeWolve.com